
Speaker Filter Box:
2573Temura32- Switching Kidusha can't be done
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
9 min
2574Temura33 34- Items that are forbidden in benefit and must be buried or burned
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
12 min
2575Kerisus2- Introduction to Kerisus
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2576Kerisus3- Knows that the act is forbidden, but doesn't realize that it is Shabbos today
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2577Kerisus4- How many times Malkos does this person get, eating forbidden fats
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2578Kerisus5- Anointing a King and a Kohein Gadol- Tashlich by flowing water
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2579Kerisus6- The 368 annual portions of Kitores- Create good energy- The Jewish people are one
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
12 min
2580Kerisus7- Yom Kippur atones, but not if he rejects it
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
9 min
2581Kerisus8- Zov and Zova are listed individually because the onset has different rules
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
13 min
2582Kerisus9- The obligation of a Ger to bring a Korban before eating Korbanos
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
13 min
2583Kerisus10- The 5 cases of the sliding scale Korban, Oleh Viyoreid
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2584Kerisus11- What evidence imposes a Korban Chatas- Does he really have a Migu
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
9 min
2585Kerisus12- He is understood to mean that he did it on purpose
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2586Kerisus13- Multiple obligations for the same act of eating- What if a Rube Goldberg contraption was triggered by his swallowing
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2587Kerisus14- One prohibition on another, does the second add in some way
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min
2588Kerisus15- Multiple violations in one act, his sister the sister of his father and mother
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
15 min
2589Kerisus16- Rabbi Akiva asks how many atonement Korbanos are needed
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2590Kerisus17- When is Oshom Toluy brought, in the case of doubt
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
7 min
2591Kerisus18- Rebbi holds the Oshom Toluy does not have to be a case of one out of two
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
7 min
2592Kerisus19- He knows he did wrong, neither atonement is applicable
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
8 min
2593Kerisus20- What blood is prohibited- A person is meant to walk, not stand on one foot
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
11 min
2594Kerisus21- People may get the wrong impression, blood, parve milk
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
6 min
2595Kerisus22- Revising the status of the bird Chatas, only until Milika
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
6 min
2596Kerisus23- What happens to the Oshom Toluy that is no longer needed
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
7 min
2597Kerisus24- Can you bring an Oshom Toluy whenever you want
Rabbi Mordechai Rhine
10 min