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Children From Broken Homes, How Can We Help Them
Length: 33 min
This lecture was delivered at Ohel. Some children constantly “yoshev b’choshech v’tzalmaves” (sit in darkness and fear). Some children are not accepted in their own home. Girl who asked for a very interesting and disturbing afikoman present: one conversation with her father. Avishay Ben Seruya (Avishay the son of Seruya) merited to save Dovid Hamelech (King David) through a miracle because he listened out for the welfare of the Jewish nation. We won’t need milchomas Gog uMagog (the war between Gog and Magog) because there is so much strife within homes. Man who only remembered two question from Reb Shimon Shkop: “When was the last time you had a warm meal?” When was last time you slept in a warm bed?” To be a foster parent, all we have to say is “I love you.”